06 Jun 2017

Frontiers of Potassium Science Conference Website

The recorded oral presentations, posters, and conference proceedings are now available to view!

12 Apr 2017

Highlights from the Frontiers of Potassium Science Conference

Dr. T. Scott Murrell demonstrates how the information presented at the 2017 Frontiers of Potassium Science Conference impacts potassium recommendations of agricultural crops.

09 Jan 2017

Frontiers of Potassium Conference - Potassium Helps Protect Plants from Stress, Disease, and Insect Damage

Potassium plays an essential role in many well-recognized metabolic processes for plants. Potassium’s contribution to sustaining high yielding crops with top quality is well understood. However, the role of potassium in plant stress resistance is less known and appreciated. Potassium is unique am

22 Nov 2016

Frontiers of Potassium Conference - Crop Quality

Potassium plays a vital role for supporting the quality of agricultural products. Although the term “quality” can have many definitions, K is intricately involved with many plant processes that determine the quality of the final harvest. When K is in short supply, photosynthesis, respiration, suga

28 Oct 2016

Frontiers of Potassium Conference - Human Health

Potassium is known as a “shortfall nutrient” for humans because large numbers of people do not receive an adequate supply in their food. For example, only 3% of Americans consume adequate K to meet recommended levels of intake. Nutrient-fortified foods do not have K added and most highly refined f

04 Oct 2016

Frontiers of Potassium Conference - Right Placement

Potassium (K) fertilizer is applied in many ways. It may be broadcast or sprayed on the soil surface then either worked in or not with tillage implements, placed below the soil surface at various depths and distances from plants, or sprayed on crop leaves. The “right” placement depends upon many f

06 Sep 2016

Frontiers of Potassium Conference - Right Time

An important session during the upcoming Frontiers of Potassium Science Conference will focus on the right time to apply K fertilizer. The timing of K fertilizer has not been widely studied. Most often, a larger, basal application is made to meet the needs of one or more crops, but is this the mos

11 Aug 2016

Frontiers of Potassium Conference - Right Rate

An important theme of the upcoming Frontiers of Potassium Science is selecting the right application rate of Potassium (K) fertilizer. This topic is too frequently overlooked as other plant nutrients often have more serious potential environmental impacts and economic priorities. International exp

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